

lNSUboard is easy and safe to handle and install, it should be stored on a flat surface and in covered areas away from direct sunlight and ultraviolet rays. It is advisable to follow the below precautions when it comes to its handling and storage.  

  1. Ensure that the board is not stored close to open flame or other ignition sources and avoid contact with volatile organic compounds and chemicals such as solvents.
  2. lNSUboard should not be left exposed to prolonged sunlight as this will result in surface degradation as well as possible bending, depending upon temperature conditions.
  3. When outside storage for extended periods is required (due to job site delays, etc) cover the boards with opaque/ light coloured covering. Please DO NOT use black polythene sheets as it will absorb heat & increase the surface temperature of the boards.
  4. In the event lNSUboard becomes wet, wipe it dry prior to use.
  5. Provision should be made to prevent wind loss of materials at the job site when partially open units of lNSUboard are at hand. Weight of temporary nature should be added on top of the insulation boards when exposed, to prevent wind uplift. The weight must be placed centrally on the insulation boards.
  6. Dark membrane ballasted systems must have ballast installed immediately after installation of membrane. This precaution is required to prevent potential damage to the boards from excessive heat due to prolonged exposure to sunlight.
  7. Roofs exposed to chemical discharge or to reflective vertical surfaces adjacent to the roof, require special consideration.
  8. Insulation board once installed on the roof, should not be left exposed to sunlight & rain to avoid damage. It is recommended that insulation boards should be covered immediately with the follow up system e.g. paving, slabs, screed, etc.
  9. In the unlikely event of bending of boards due to exposure to sunlight, reverse the boards, keep weight centrally on the board and expose it to sunlight to reverse the bending. Once the board comes back to normal straight condition, store them in shade and use normally. The physical properties & insulation properties of INSUboard remain unaffected by such rectification. If the bending is too severe, it may not be possible to reverse it. 
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